tayla ealom
an Earth and Water protector working to weave the worlds of social and ecological justice in an embodied way as a trained somatic counselor and bodyworker. As a multi-racial cisgendered woman of color with lineages ranging from West Africa to Europe and Turtle Island, she works in the worlds of cross-cultural women’s work that offers access to powerful healing modalities for all genders. She strives to brings these awarenesses and practices into activist spaces so healing can remain at the forefront of social and ecological movements. Over the past year, she has been exploring the theme of how the human body is both shaped by, and shapes contemporary society through workshops in the larger ‘Northern California’ community. Her contribution is a reflection on these experiences and how embodied exploration is the key to moving toward a more just society.
The Gap: Becoming Healing
"This is a vulnerable collection of thoughts, feelings, images, dreams, sensations, and experiences that come together to highlight my life as a multi-racial person, a cis-gendered woman, an activist on behalf of the oppressed human and more-than-human communities, as a student of Somatic Psychology and Women’s Spirituality, and as a body living, breathing and moving across the land of the United States. In an effort to re-member myself, I explore concepts of healing and wounding as they manifest both in my personal and social experiences of life. Drawing on deep relationships with non-human people and experiences in activist spaces dedicated to social transformation toward harmony and reciprocity, I explore how to move into The Gap, the space that exists between how we experience ourselves and our healing that is an essential element of this transformation. My hope is that, in offering this tender self-exploration to the wider web, I can be in service to our collective healing."
-Tayla Ealom